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Our Objectives



  • To conduct and promote in-depth studies and fundamental and applied research pertaining to Police and related social as well as behavioral issues and to provide research facilities to serving and retired Police officers/other Scholars in these fields.
  • To provide consultancy and extension services to police and other Govt. departments as well as other semi – Govt. organizations/ agencies.
  • To disseminate information to police and citizens on know-how on policing, security and related areas.
  • To organize workshops, seminars and conferences and exhibitions on subjects of Police and security
  • To assist any institution or organization, especially service oriented organizations in important matters.
  • To undertake research relating to all aspects of Policing.
  • To carry out organizational, operational and Policy oriented research.
  • To function as the nodal State level research institution in the field of Police administration.
  • To plan, promote and provide for education and training in leadership, security, policy planning and management areas.
  • To function generally as the apex training institution of Maharashtra State.
  • To organize seminars, Lectures, Exhibitions, Conferences etc.
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